Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost?

My current fees are £60-£75 per session. I offer some reduced cost places for those experiencing financial hardship. Fees can be discussed in the initial appointment which also bears a fee.

How long are the sessions?

Each appointment is 50 minutes long.

How often do I need to come?

Appointments are held on a weekly basis at a regular, pre-arranged time and sometimes meeting more than once a week is found to be beneficial.

How long will it take?

Each individuals process is unique to them. Some people prefer to work on a specific issue and will opt for a short period of time and others find that it can be more beneficial to work for a longer period, and there are those who will take the time that they need and work on an open-ended basis. The time you take and the ending itself are part of the process and open for discussion between us.

Where do you see clients?

I currently see people in person in a quiet garden studio

“And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

— T S Eliot

What is an initial meeting?

If you would like find out more, then I recommend an initial appointment which will provide an opportunity for me to find out about you and what is troubling you, and for you to gain a sense of who I am and how I work. We can then discuss whether we can work with one another although there is no obligation to continue. This meeting bears a fee.

If we decide it would be beneficial to work together we would then discuss the length of our agreement. I would be happy to refer you to another therapist or specialised agency if that would be better suited for your needs.

What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?

Sometimes these terms are used loosely or interchangeably though there are subtle differences.

Generally speaking, counselling is for addressing specific issues and we would work to an agreed length of time. Through this process you may often gain new insights, increase self-esteem and self-awareness to find new ways forward.

Psychotherapy is more suitable if you wish to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your behaviour and for those people whose symptoms are persistent, repetitive or less specific. This is usually an open-ended process and longer in duration.

See the About therapy page for further information.

How do I choose the right counsellor or psychotherapist for me?

There are many experienced and qualified therapists to choose from but only you will know who you could feel confident and comfortable with and attending an initial meeting is an important part in deciding.

I would also recommend that you look for a therapist who is registered with an appropriate professional body such the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) who I am registered with.

Do I have to be good at art or creative to work with you?

No, not at all. You do not need to be experienced or have any artistic skill to work in this way. There are a variety of methods that can be used to help with expression of feelings and in the process of self-development and awareness.

Do you offer Clinical Supervision?

Yes, I have completed a two year training in Supervision and work with both individuals and groups. My approach is reflexive and integrative and I work with students in training as well as qualified therapists. Creative art practices can be included in the supervision process if that is helpful.

I work with qualified counsellors and psychotherapists as well as students in training.

I am happy to talk with you if you wish to discuss your clinical needs and the possibility of working together. My fee is £70.

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