About me

I originally trained at Re-Vision, Centre for Integrative Transpersonal Therapy and I have been in private practice for over 25 years.

Since then I have undertaken further training to continue my development and follow my interest in the ways that soul and spirit finds expression through us.


Further training and professional development has included:

  • Theories of Carl Jung; working with the imagination, dreams

and the unconscious.

  • Psychodynamic and developmental theories; for

understanding how our past relationships affect our

current ones.

  • Creative arts therapies; for when words are not enough

and art can help create a bridge to the unconscious.

  • The practice of taking psychotherapy outdoors; when

nature can assist the journey.

  • Mindfulness; to give attention to the body and mind to

help with stress and to better manage emotions.

  • Neuroscience; to understand how the brain forms and

the effect that traumas, large and small, can have on the

brain and the mind.

  • Working with LBGTQI community, non-binary and gender

questioning clients

  • Clinical Supervision; working with trainees, qualified

counsellors and psychotherapists and those in other

helping professions.

Throughout these years I have worked in a variety of settings including short term work in an NHS GP surgery and also within MIND, the mental health charity where I created and delivered support groups and workshops. I have facilitated a therapeutic arts group within the NHS, in a national pain management centre.

Previously I worked for Re-Vision as a tutor for seven years on the Counselling Diploma programme, and for eight years as part of their management team, and facilitated Open Evenings and Heart and Soul Introductory Events for eighteen years.

In order to support myself and my practice I am committed to my own ongoing personal and professional development, and I have regular clinical supervision.

“One must have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star.”

— Friedrich Nietzche

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