
We live in challenging times and it is not uncommon to feel depressed, anxious, stressed or fearful, and you may feel that this is manageable and yet sometimes it can feel unbearable or too difficult to manage alone.

Seeking a therapist with training and experience can be an invaluable option and resource.

With over 25 years experience I offer a reflective space that is safe, confidential and non-judgemental. Everyone is unique and with respect to this diversity I work with people from all walks of life, cultures, those with faith and those without, and I work affirmatively with gender, sexuality and relationship diversity (GSRD).

Are you...

  • Experiencing difficult feelings?
  • Struggling with something


  • Feeling overloaded and burnt-out?
  • Struggling with unwanted changes in

your life?

  • Affected by events in your past?
  • Affected by the uncertain times in

which we live?

  • Trying to make sense of something

less defined that is happening?

  • Or maybe you have recognised a

troubling pattern in yourself?

"It is our so-called weaknesses and vulnerabilities that link us with our deeper selves and with each other and not our so-called strengths, which merely make us independent."

C. G. Jung

I have 25 years of experience so do make contact even if you don't see your own particular struggles here:

  • abuse
  • ageing / age related issues
  • anxiety
  • anger
  • bereavement / loss
  • Covid-19 related
  • depression / feeling low
  • eco anxiety / climate change
  • health issues / physical


  • identity
  • loss of creativity
  • low self-esteem
  • meaninglessness
  • mid-life crisis
  • over use /effects of social


  • panic attacks
  • post-natal depression
  • relationship troubles
  • spirituality
  • sexual issues
  • gender identity
  • sexuality
  • stress
  • life transitions
  • trauma
  • work problems

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Please note: all photographs included on this website are my own